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Maha Shivaratri Pooja - A Brahman's Blessing to Lord Shiva
Worship of Shiva is first mentioned in the Rig Veda: “We worship the mighty one, the eternal power, the all-seeing, the all-pervading Lord, the creator of all things, the bestower of blessings, the lover of beauty, the begetter of all that is best, the provider of food, the friend of the poor, the nourisher, the lover of those that are pure, the bestower of all that is desirable, the winner over all that is evil, the protector of wealth, the immortal, the ocean of bliss, the origin and the end of all causes.” In the Taittiriya Upanishad, Shiva is praised as “the truth itself,” as “the greatest among all gods,” as “the greatest of the good,” and as “the great beyond.”
According to a Purana, Shiva is one of the three major gods in Hinduism. He is the supreme god and the Lord of all the Gods.
Shiva is the Lord who maintains the universe, and is the lord of the universe, having authority over all creatures. He resides in the heart of every creature, and this is the reason why Shiva is also known as "the heart of all hearts". He is the third of the Trimurti, or the three principal gods of Hinduism. Shiva is said to be masculine and the lord of the whole world. His consort is the goddess Parvati. Shiva performs the final sacrifice and is the symbol of the final salvation.
Shiva is revered in the Hindu scripture the Vedas. Shiva is said to have created the Vedas. The opening verse of the Rig Veda, which is considered the original Hindu scripture, is dedicated to Shiva. According to Shaivism, Shiva is the mover of both time and space, and is the origin of all creation. Shiva's daily dance of creation is said to symbolize the ceaseless activity of his mind and the universe. The Kalpa-Sukta, a hymn in the Rig Veda, says that Shiva is present in all things and pervades the whole universe. It is written, “Through you, O mighty one, all these creatures of the gods were created.”
The Shiva Samhita, another Vedic text, states that Shiva is beyond time and the sun and
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